
Fisheries Refugia
Priority Sites CHINA HABITAT
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Indicators for long term management of Fisheries Refugia : GEF-UNEP/SEAFDEC Fisheries Refugia Project
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The establishment and operation of a regional system of fisheries refugia in the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand required a mechanism (Figure 1) to achieve the target objective to “operate and expand the network of fisheries refugia in the South China Sea and the Gulf of Thailand for the improved management of fisheries and critical marine habitats linkages. Additionally, to ensure long-term management of the fisheries refugia, the appropriated indicator sets as well as the standardized methods for collection and analysis of data and information, for the use in assessing the impacts of fisheries refugia are needed. In response to this, the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) for the SEAFDEC/UNEP/GEF Project on Fisheries Refugia organized the Regional Meeting on Indicators for Refugia Management on September 9th -11th, 2019, in Pattaya, Chonburi province, Thailand. 17 participants (5 Females and 12 Males) from 6 participating countries namely, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand, and PCU staff attended the meeting. Throughout the brainstorming sessions, the meeting could come up with the set of indicators for the management of fisheries refugia
The 1st Regional Scientific and Technical Committee Meeting at Trat Fisheries Refugia Site
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During September 11-13, 2018, The Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) had organized the Regional Scientific and Technical Committee Meeting for the SEAFDEC/UN Environment/GEF Project on Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand, which was conducted in Trat Provinces, Thailand. Many participants attended the meeting included; one representative from each of six participating countries, three regional experts, representatives from the SEAFDEC-SWEDEN project, representatives from Japanese Trust Fund (JTF) project and the PCU staffs.
Technical support to FiA on baseline survey and data collection in Cambodia
During July 18-19, 2018, A team of the coordination unit for the SEAFDEC/UNEP/GEF Fisheries Refugia Project visited the Fisheries Administration of Cambodia (FiA) under technical support mission. The objective of this mission is aiming to support the responsible agency under the FiA of Cambodia with project technical support matter, existing work plan as well as proposed work planning and budget for 2018-19. The technical topics during the meeting are include; baseline data collection, establishment of fisheries refugia area at 3 pilot sites also the procedure to setup the Site Level Committee.
Showcased Fisheries Refugia Initiatives at the 18th LME Consultation
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The SEAFDEC/UNEP/GEF South China Sea Fisheries Refugia Initiative participated in the 18th Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) annual consultative meeting convened by IOC and LME:LEARN in Paris from 5-8 December. The SEAFDEC initiative contributed to the work of the LME governance and information and data management working groups. The fisheries refugia initiative was also showcased during a governance session dedicated to spatial planning for LME management
Coastal Habitat Baseline Information
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Baseline coastal habitat area information can be accessed on Goggle Maps by clicking here. Google Earth users can load this information and data by clicking here.
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Given the limited integration of the work of fisheries and environment ministries in Southeast Asia and many other parts of the world, the establishment and operation of the regional system of fisheries refugia provides an opportunity to learn how to integrate fisheries and coastal habitat management. It is anticipated that the experience gained in the South China Sea region through this initiative will be applied in other marine areas where over-fishing and the use of inappropriate fishing gear are significant impediments to more sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources and the use of coastal habitats. To help share best practices and lessons learned a Facebook page for the initiative has been set-up at Please like our Facebook page to receive regular updates on project progress and innovations.
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This initiative entitled the “Establishment and Operation of a Regional System of Fisheries Refugia in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand Sea" is working with communities and governments to integrate habitat and biodiversity conservation considerations into fishery management and practices. The initiative is financed by the Global Environment Facility, implemented by the United Nations Environment Programme, and executed regionally by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center in partnership with the government agencies responsible for fisheries in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.
Fisheries Refugia Inception Workshop
Following a lengthy preparation phase, which involved several regional consultations and national workshops, this project was recently endorsed by the GEF’s Chief Executive Officer. As the regional executing entity for the project, SEAFDEC has subsequently signed a Project Cooperation Agreement with UNEP and the project has officially entered its inception phase. SEAFDEC is presently completing a series of inception phase tasks and will convene the Inception Workshop to launch this important regional project in Bangkok, Thailand from 1st to 3rd November 2016 at the Jasmine Executive Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand.